Self made charts

Single-handedly graphs. In cooperaion with Der Punkt GmbH arose a self-made-chart-kit, that allows the client to create individual graphs, due to a neat designed object-library. Created in Illustrator.
I’m a Freelance Art Director, Illustrator and Digital Artist with a long-term experience in the advertisement field. I draw, advise, conceptualize and make your wishes come true.
You need illustrations, concept arts or storyboards? I’m looking forward to your message.
I am relocating. Available on my mobile phone: (049) 017681005343
Jakob Pierzyna
Hauptstraße 55
64625 Bensheim (Germany)
Tel. (+49) 6251 8609576
Jakob Pierzyna
Fabian Beiner
Single-handedly graphs. In cooperaion with Der Punkt GmbH arose a self-made-chart-kit, that allows the client to create individual graphs, due to a neat designed object-library. Created in Illustrator.